Zalando Beauty Dinner #unleashyourbeauty

Can’t believe that summer is finally around the corner. Which means changing up my makeup routine for a more dewy and minimal look. Zalando had an event last week, talking about their new beauty section and their big range of selections. A fun and cozy evening, with speaks, performance and dinner.

For my summer look, I tend to go much lighter with the coverage. And for that I usually use my M.A.C face and body foundation. Which almost works as a bbcream. Now more, than the last couple of years, I have noticed that bronzer is going to be a big trend, this summer, as well for the highlighter (but not as heavy as 2017/2018). Add a little alongside the bronzer, for that sun kissed and glowy feel.

1.HERE//2. HERE//3. HERE//4. HERE//5. HERE//6. HERE//7. HERE//8. HERE

Above are my selection of products from the Zalando beauty category. Products I can’t live without.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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